
After many years of limiting my keyboard to work and reddit I've finally began desiring to creating content. Part of that desire is a personal blog covering nothing in particular other than thoughts of the moment. Another larger part of that desire is comics thanks to reading the latest works of Extra Fabulous Comics. His stuff has been on point lately and it's pushing me back into the game.


This will probably focus more on programming, adtech, Brazilian jiu jitsu, comics, soccer, and chess so if any of those interest you then excellent. There won't be any structured delivery times, maybe once or twice a week. If there are more posts in a week then expect the content to be lighter, if it's going to be something more technical then it'll probably have a greater distance in time between the posts that sandwich them. If there are ever any grammatical errors that I don't find within the first few readings of my posts then please feel free to contact me and point out why I suck at this.


I do have a name already. May attempt to do two comics a week, one being a single panel the other consisting of four. There will be minor story arcs yet for the most part all comics will be one time things. In the one panel comics, growing up on a consistent diet of Farside comics will probably be pretty apparent but whatever it was a damn good comic.


This blog is written using my own unnecessary framework, Phyneapple, which I did as a way to legitimately use it and debug it as much as possible. I don't expect others to use it as it's stupid basic and if you're already in the world of PHP there's Symfony2, Laravel, and Silex depending on your needs. This blog you can get all the source code here on GitHub and you can do whatever you wish with it. From this point on every personal site I do will be available via my GitHub. Oh, I do use Phabricator as well for clients yet sorry that won't be public. Have to say Phabricator is a delight, along with its helpful features it also has a very solid does of sarcasm that'll put a smile on my face.


Besides being on a creative binge, still looking to keep my 2-4 days of Brazilian jiu jitsu in rotation so expect blog posts about it. Recently started to catch a fire in regards to chess so tournaments for both BJJ and chess are probably within my foreseeable future.

Thanks, hopefully my content is enjoyable and hopefully I don't burn out.

Greetings, I'm John Mullanaphy and currently creating stuff at Impact.com as a Senior Principal Software Engineer. When I'm not coding there then I'm usually found toying around on GitHub or creating comics at Boycott Paper.

Outside of the programming world you can probably find me on the mats rocking a purple belt at Marcelo Garcia Academy, streaming on Twitch, or playing some chess.

Feel free to message on Bluesky if you have any questions or requests. Please help yourself to my printable résumé as well!